Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Marche Gourmand

The banner advertising the upcoming marche.

The village square is packed.

A family of gourmands.

The remains of the paella.

I discovered the 'Marche Gourmand' 3 years ago. Literally translated it means "Market for People Who Like to Eat". SIGN ME UP!

Most villages have a marche gourmand on a weekly basis. I don't know who organizes them, but they sure do a good job. During the evening, tables and chairs are set up in the square. Food trucks and stalls dot the perimeter. Wine producers sell their delicious wine for only a few euros a bottle.

Add people and dogs and you have yourself a party!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love France?


  1. This all really makes me want to quit school for a year and experience some of the wonderful places and cultures you've seen. I love looking at all the pictures! The fam looks great and like you're all having a blast! Now this will make Winnipeg an even less appealing place to visit. But I assure you the people are very appealing indeed!

    Love Annika

  2. why does this not happen in Squamish??
