On his way.

Camping at Wacken 2009. Photo courtesy of W.O.A.

Metal heads. Photo courtesy of W.O.A.

The concerts. Photo courtesy of W.O.A.

Aerial view of Wacken 2009. Photo courtesy of W.O.A.
On Sunday we drove Will to Lyon to catch the train to Germany. He is going to stay with some German friends he met in high school and then to attend a three day heavy metal music festival up north in Wacken.
I must admit my heart was in my throat when I saw the back of him disappear through the train station gate. He was to take the train to Paris, transfer via the metro to a different station, take a second train to Cologne, then a third to Marle.
I am not a worrier. I do not fret. But let me tell you, until I heard from Will later on that night I was worried and fretting!
Before he left France, Joe and I gave him so many lectures about keeping his passport safe, his money secure, and being a wee bit suspicious of overly-friendly people that I'm sure he was about to scream. But Will took it all in with good humour. And I sure hope he follows our good advice.
Will is young. And he is travelling alone. And he does not always pay attention.
I'm not so much worried about him when he is with his friends and their families. But it's a different story for when he's head-banging at 'Wacken Open Air' for three days. He plans to meet up and camp with friends from Vancouver, but has no tent, no sleeping bag, no cell phone, no nothin'! Heck, he doesn't even have a proper jacket for Pete's sake!
He'll fly back to us on August 11th and meet us in Florence.
I can hardly wait.