Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lotsa Progress!

Things are happening around here, people.  THINGS ARE HAPPENING!  Each day I can hardly wait to get home from school to see what miracles Marcel and his crew have performed in my absence.

The kitchen ceiling and walls are up, dry wall is going on

Sanding the first coat of dry wall

Kitchen cabinet assembly in the living room

Our new 'multi-purpose' room

Our living room has become a multi-purpose storage room.  As of today it houses a refrigerator, boxes of hardwood flooring, kitchen cabinets, dining and living room furniture, and cardboard boxes for recycling.  Oh, and bottles of booze.  The bar is now on the fireplace mantel.  We need easy access.

New skylights

We had Marcel install a couple of 'sun tubes' in our dark and dreary hallway.  What a difference they make!

Daisy's hideout

Our cat Daisy is not loving the renovations.  She disappears every morning and only comes out at bedtime.  Yesterday I discovered where she's been hanging out.  She has tucked herself under the drop cloth that is draped over the couch and dining room table.

Still camping

It is amazing what Joe rustles up for supper every night with only a frying pan and a single hot plate.  We pretty much live downstairs.

Pick a tile, any tile

One day of every weekend finds us in Vancouver.  If we're not picking out light fixtures, we're choosing counter tops.  If not flooring, it's kitchen cabinets.  Yesterday found us trolling showrooms looking for backsplash tiles.

Our warm and welcoming guest bedroom

It's a good thing none of the kids have been coming home to visit as their old bedrooms are now chock full of STUFF!  All I can hope is that the renovations are done before Christmas, otherwise the children will have to sleep in a hotel!  Or at your place.

Vacuuming the drywall dust

Priming the ceiling

To save time, Joe volunteered to prime the kitchen walls and ceiling.  Better him than me.

More to come, folks.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I especially like Joe's painting attire.. very professional.
