Saturday, August 15, 2009

And how would you like that served sir?

"Raw, please. Very raw." How else?

Apparently, not a silly question. An alternative on the menu includes tartare slightly cooked on each side. Who would do that to steak tartare? You might as well ask for ketchup.

Take the sauce, a mixture of raw egg (of course), capers, cornichons, onion, dijon, salt, pepper and a variety of other bit players, and incorporate the sauce into the raw steak mixture, to your liking. Eat, and pray the restaurant serves a lot of steak tartare.

Our lunch guests eat here frequently so could vouch for the quality of the food. It's 8 hours later and I am not suffering any ill effects. However, I wouldn't try this in Canada.

Now, on to fugu in Tokyo. What's a little crippling salmonella when you can stare down neurotoxins in improperly prepared sushi.


  1. I think raw hamburger sitting on a plate looks gross. Just sayin' is all.

  2. some of the best things looks so gross, like raw oysters, foie gras, passionfruit.
