Monday, April 25, 2011

Twenty Five Years And Counting

My favourite wedding picture of us.  April 5, 1986. 

Joe and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary a few weeks back.  We didn't go out, choosing instead to celebrate quietly at home.  After all, we had just gotten back from 8 days in New York City.  Being in NYC was celebration enough.

Do people have big 25th Anniversary parties anymore?  I remember going to many such soirees in my younger days. For aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I was even invited to the anniversary parties for my friends' parents.  But today?  Not so much.  Someone recently commented that perhaps 25th Anniversary parties went out of vogue because no one stays married that long any more.  Who knows?

On the morning of our anniversary, Joe woke me up early.  Our usual routine is that we sit in the living room and drink his delicious lattes while we read the newspaper.  

Not that morning.  On that morning he was intent on giving me his gifts.  *Please note that I did not give him anything because our trip to New York was supposed to be our anniversary gift to each other.  Way to change the rules on me, Joe.

Joe gave me a beautiful silver pendant set with turquoise (my favourite stone) carved with the raven (my favourite animal) by native carver David Neel.  Not only did he give me the necklace, he also had 2 silver bands made to commemorate our silver anniversary.  Again, carved with the raven.

For breakfast at 6:00am we ate scrambled eggs with shaved truffles on top of a toasted baguette.  And we washed it all down with a bottle of proseco, my favourite Italian sparkling wine.

Not a bad way to start a Tuesday.

Here's to another 25 years, Joe.


  1. Ever the romantic that Joe of yours. He's a keeper for a matter of fact, it seems that you are too! Twenty five years is something to be celebrated, and it seems you did. Yay for the two of you!

  2. PS - The rings and the pendant are beautiful! Another thing Joe has good taste in - besides women. Just sayin'

  3. Happy Anniversary Nancy and Joe. What a wonderful surprise from an amazingly thoughtful man. Wow Nanc! 25 years! I'd say we've both done well in the marriage department.

  4. OMG....I'm afraid I'm a little misty. Joe is such a romantic guy and he has very good taste, both in the gifts and his choice for a wife. Love to you both,
    Gail XOX

  5. Now that is a love story indeed.

    How wonderful and beautiful -- You are a true inspiration to us all -- You raise the bar in everything! teacher, wife, friend, & mother. Congratulations to you both.

    Team Tatchell

  6. I am going to have to show Bruce the "silver display" of rings and your pendant to put ideas into his head for our upcoming 25th on July 5th.
    What a hero! Can you believe it.....25 years? Shu
