One of the best compliments I ever received about my children happened several years ago when someone said to me, "Nancy, I have never seen children from the same family be so different from each other. All three of your kids are such individuals." "Thank you," I replied. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
I have raised individuals. The eldest is brainy and beautiful with a penchant for Edwardian literature. The second daughter is striking and dramatic with a love of all things theatrical. The youngest is a heavy metal musician who is living his dream.
The whole fam damily, plus friends, turned out on Saturday night to support Will in his musical endeavours. His band, Merciless Onslaught, performed at Pub 340 to a big crowd of metal heads.
As a parent it is wonderful to witness your child doing something he loves and be good at it too.
Nancy, you do have great kids. I love having you as a friend/mentor for my own parenting. The girls are fabulous and I love that Will, with his flowing locks, isn't too cool to have a conversation with his parent's friends.